Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de swallow

to swallowtragar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I swallowyo trago
you swallowtú tragas
he swallowsél traga
she swallowsella traga
we swallownosotros tragamos
you swallowvosotros tragáis
they swallowellos tragan
they swallowellas tragan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I swallowedyo tragué
you swallowedtú tragaste
he swallowedél tragó
she swallowedella tragó
we swallowednosotros tragamos
you swallowedvosotros tragasteis
they swallowedellos tragaron
they swallowedellas tragaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have swallowedyo he tragado
you have swallowedtú has tragado
he has swallowedél ha tragado
she has swallowedella ha tragado
we have swallowednosotros hemos tragado
you have swallowedvosotros habéis tragado
they have swallowedellos han tragado
they have swallowedellas han tragado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had swallowedyo había tragado
you had swallowedtú habías tragado
he had swallowedél había tragado
she had swallowedella había tragado
we had swallowednosotros habíamos tragado
you had swallowedvosotros habíais tragado
they had swallowedellos habían tragado
they had swallowedellas habían tragado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will swallowyo tragaré
you will swallowtú tragarás
he will swallowél tragará
she will swallowella tragará
we will swallownosotros tragaremos
you will swallowvosotros tragaréis
they will swallowellos tragarán
they will swallowellas tragarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have swallowedyo habré tragado
you will have swallowedtú habrás tragado
he will have swallowedél habrá tragado
she will have swallowedella habrá tragado
we will have swallowednosotros habremos tragado
you will have swallowedvosotros habréis tragado
they will have swallowedellos habrán tragado
they will have swallowedellas habrán tragado

I would swallowyo tragaría
you would swallowtú tragarías
he would swallowél tragaría
she would swallowella tragaría
we would swallownosotros tragaríamos
you would swallowvosotros tragaríais
they would swallowellos tragarían
they would swallowellas tragarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have swallowedyo habría tragado
you would have swallowedtú habrías tragado
he would have swallowedél habría tragado
she would have swallowedella habría tragado
we would have swallowednosotros habríamos tragado
you would have swallowedvosotros habríais tragado
they would have swallowedellos habrían tragado
they would have swallowedellas habrían tragado

Participio presenteAnotado
swallowing tragando

Participio pasadoAnotado
swallowed tragado

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